
James McEwan

Director/Principal Physiotherapist

James McEwan graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of South Australia and has worked extensively in orthopaedics and private practice physiotherapy interstate before establishing Adelaide Advanced Physiotherapy to provide the best in manual therapy services. James has a passionate interest in strength and conditioning training, injury management and prevention, functional movement, Crossfit, cycling and all things to do with the ocean.

He has continued extensive post graduate study and training to be able to offer highly skilled treatments for your body's condition. He is one of two physiotherapists in Australia to attain Level 4 certification in Strain-Counterstrain techniques. After a serious cycling accident at the end of 2013, James has experienced firsthand, the whole process of restoring both physical and psychological function from injury. James is passionate about sharing his clinical knowledge and presents REHAB Trainer courses ( throughout the year. 

Professional Development: 

Jones Institute of Strain-Counterstrain        

SCS 1 for the spine

SCS 2 for the extremities

SCS 3 for Cranial & Advanced Techniques

SCS 4 Facilitated SCS with Review

SCS VC for the viscera

Jones Strain Counterstrain Certification Test (JSCC)    

SCS FI Facial Inroduction 

Fascial CS - MSK Part 1

Fascial CS - MSK Part 2

CST 1 CranioSacral Therapy

Level 1 Strength and Conditioning Coach

Club Weightlifting /Sports Power Coach

Advanced Bike Maintenance

Treatment of the Spine and Pelvis Muscle Energy Techniques  

Treatment of the Cervical & Thoracic Spine & Thoracic cage

Muscle Energy Technique

Manual Therapy Institue

IMT1 - Assessment & Treatment Strategies

IMT2 - Mechanicoadaptive Treatment Model

IMT3 - Viscero-fascial treatment model

IMT4 - Neuro-cranial treatment model

Visceral Manipulation 1 - Abdomen

Visceral Manipulation 2 - Abdomen

LT 1 Listening Techniques

Level 1 mat exercises

Rocktape Introduction Course

Rocktape Advanced Course

Rockblades FMT Certified

Instructor - Rocklades FMT & Rocktape 


The Everyday Shoulder 

Primal Movement Chains

Unlocking the Squat

To book an appointment with James please call 8232 2504 or email